Event Details
November 11, 2023
6:00 pm
Hilton Frontenac
1335 S. Lindbergh 63131
Schedule of Events
6:00 pm - Cocktails & Silent Auction
7:15 pm - Seated Dinner
7:45 pm - Silent Auction & Raffles Close
8:00 pm - Live Auction & Program
9:00 pm - DJ & Dancing
Julie McDonald 314.600.3223
Anna Moritz 314.482.7746
Annie Fusz 314.719.7950
Kristin Shelton 636.346.2650
Katie Marischen 314.640.4676
Immacolata Parish & School
With YOUR support, we are able to further enhance both our Parish & School. Some of the ways your donations benefit Immacolata are listed below.
A great video on our school!
We are so much more than just a parish and so much more than just a school. It is the combination that makes each one stronger than they would be alone. Immacolata School is a K-8th program blessed with an extremely caring and supportive parish and school community, striving for excellence in fulfilling its' mission to bring people to Jesus Christ & put others before themselves.
YOUR support will help us in many ways, including:
Scholarships for those in need of financial support
Sandwich Sunday - each Sunday parishioners (children and adults alike) make over 200 sandwiches to feed the homeless in our region
The Youth Ministry Program (Middle School & High School programs), including international service trips
The many St. Vincent de Paul programs including:
"Challenger Baseball" - creating buddies to those with disabilities
"The Bridge" - offering food, shelter and other services for residents of downtown St. Louis who are currently without a home of their own
"The Karen House" - providing meals to women & their children living in the Karen House
"Peter & Paul Emergency Shelter" - serving meals to the homeless
"St. Agatha's Center" - sorting large donations
"St. Patrick's Center" - serving lunch
"Adopt a Family" at Christmas time
"Angels Among Us"
Countless food drives throughout the year to benefit different organizations in need.
Book Clubs
Scripture Classes
Grandparents Group
Marriage Enrichment Group
Ladies Society
PSR Program
40 Days for Life
Living Your Strengths Adult Classes
Men's Faith Network
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Safe Environment Program
Protecting God's Children